Mayors' Institute on City Design


Our Town Grants

“Creative placemaking projects strategically link communities and local governments with artists, designers, and arts organizations to improve quality of life, create a sense of place, and revitalize local economies.”  The National Endowment for the Arts offers matching grants to arts organizations, nonprofits, and local governments for creative placemaking projects. Funding is available for engagement, design, and … Continued

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How to Do Creative Placemaking

Learn how communities are using arts and culture to enhance the built environment in this book from the National Endowment for the Arts. “How to Do Creative Placemaking is an action-oriented guide for making places better. This book includes instructional and thought-provoking case studies and essays from today’s leading thinkers in creative placemaking. It describes … Continued

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Community Planning Assistance Teams

The Community Planning Assistance Team (CPAT) initiative at the American Planning Association pairs a multidisciplinary team of expert planning professionals with community members, key stakeholders, and relevant decision makers to address challenges including social equity and affordability, economic development, sustainability, consensus building, and urban design. Projects focus on localities with a demonstrated need for assistance, … Continued

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Design Assistance Teams

Based at the American Institute of Architects, the Design Assistance Team program has engaged over 500 professionals from over 40 disciplines to provide millions of dollars in professional pro bono services to more than 200 communities across the country. The program offers technical assistance and process expertise to help communities develop a vision and framework … Continued

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Designing New York: Quality Affordable Housing

Through an exploration of seven case studies, Designing New York: Quality Affordable Housing illustrates how good design can help achieve a myriad of city goals. Published by the NYC Public Design Commission, this guide shares examples of excellent affordable housing developments in New York City and gives leaders concrete ideas for improving the stock of affordable … Continued

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